When Did You Know You Wanted To Be An Author?

Veronica H Moore • March 10, 2024

The Question Everyone Wants to Know...

When did you know you wanted to become an author?

This is one of the most popular questions I am asked when people discover that I am a children's

book author. I could talk or write all day about the journey that landed me here, but that would take a

while. So I will try to keep my story brief yet informative.

I have always been a learner. Since I was a little girl, I was awe-struck by the things that I would learn

in the classroom. I enjoyed going to school, interacting with my teachers, and sharing what I learned

with my mom, dad, or anyone who would listen. I was that little girl that would cry for missing a day of

school (which would only happen if I was sick).

The thing that I loved about school is that every day there would be something new to learn, and even

if I partly knew the information that was being taught by my teacher(s), I would always have a

takeaway. My favorite subjects were social studies and science. Learning about people was fun for

me because my imagination would go beyond what I would see in front of me. Science gave me an

opportunity to "play with different things" and apply them to my everyday life and the world around me.

Learning was my escape.

I was bullied really badly in elementary school, so oftentimes, I would make up stories in my head to

take me away from the pain that I felt every day among my peers. One thing I regret is that I never

wrote them down; I just kept them in my head. They stayed there until, one day, they were unlocked

by my daughter, who at the time was in PreK.

She was learning the principles of Fundations and Heggerty in her classroom, and these practices led

her to have a great interest in reading. This is the moment that I know my love for learning will be

tapped in a new way. We began reading together more than we had in the past, and that led to us

reviewing books that were sent to us. I loved watching my daughter learn new words and concepts. I

then thought to myself, "What if I wrote a book...?"

It took me three years to finally get to the point where I was comfortable enough to tap into the

unknown. I was so afraid that I almost talked myself out of moving forward. However, I knew I had a

powerful message inside of me to share. The story of my first book was not just for me; it was for

others who needed a message to relate to. It was a story meant for others to see themselves within

the pages. When God and the ancestors on the other side orchestrated the timing, I have to say it

was quite perfect. 

Stay tuned for my next post, where I share the story behind my first book, Rosie's Special Gift.

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